Content Creation

Best Lifestyle YouTube Video Ideas

Vukasin Ilic 8 min read
Table of Contents

Starting a lifestyle YouTube channel is one thing, but routinely putting out unique and interesting content is quite another.

Today, lifestyle channels are among the most popular categories on YouTube.

The reason is simple. People love to feel connected to their favorite creators and watching them document their daily lives gives them just that.

Moreover, YouTube creators in the lifestyle category have a better chance of connecting with their audience on a personal level.

Then again, coming up with original content ideas can be difficult. There will always be times when you find yourself creating the same type of content over and over again. Let's face it: we're only humans.

If you're sick and tired of sticking to the same content pattern for your lifestyle videos, I have just the solution. Continue reading to discover some of the most creative lifestyle content ideas for your YouTube videos, whether you're a beginner or not.

1. Get to Know Me

Whether your YouTube channel is new or not, hosting a "get to know me" video is always a good idea. For one, it's the perfect opportunity to share things about yourself and connect more with your audience.

When making a "get to know me" video, keep in mind that there is a fine line between sharing and oversharing. To strike a balance, be as personal as possible while maintaining your privacy.

So what should be included in a "get to know me" video? Here are some tag questions you can answer:

  • What is your middle name?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • What inspires you?
  • What is your favorite memory from high school?
  • What made you start your channel?
  • What is your favorite childhood memory?
  • If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
  • What is your favorite TV show?
  • Are you single or taken?
  • What is an interesting fact about you?
  • What do you notice first about people?

2. Storytime

Everyone loves a great story. You can take advantage of this and choose an engaging and, preferably, entertaining story to share with your audience.

The most important thing is to humanize yourself and give your viewers a sense of intimacy.

These storytime videos are typically paired with makeup application, cleaning, cooking, or painting. It is up to you to choose the extra activities based on what you feel most comfortable doing.

Some storytime ideas for your lifestyle YouTube videos include the following:

  • Best friend stories
  • Weirdest Uber rides
  • Worst / Best day of your life
  • Breaking up with an ex
  • Embarrassing childhood stories

3. Ask Me Anything

"Ask Me Anything" videos on YouTube are similar to "Get to Know Me" videos, with a major difference. In the former, you answer questions based on what your subscribers ask, not what you think they should know about you.

Making Ask Me Anything (AMA) videos is a lot of fun and requires very little effort. All you have to do is ask your subscribers to send in questions.

You can receive these questions using Instagram or any other social media platform where you are most active.

Then, choose the most intriguing ones to respond to.

It's the perfect way to engage with your audience and be your real self in front of the camera.

4. Collabs

Consider collaborations as a great way to add variety to your YouTube videos.

Rather than being the sole face of your videos, switch it up and bring another YouTuber on set.

This way, you and the YouTuber can create joint content on anything from viral challenges to skits or playing dress-up. It's even better when the YouTuber is in your niche.

The best thing about working with YouTubers in your niche is that it benefits both you and the YouTuber. You get to tap into each other's subscriber bases and gain new subscribers on your respective channels.

With consistent engagement, your video could even be sponsored on YouTube.

5. Behind the Scenes

Viewers enjoy a good behind-the-scenes video, whether of a popular movie or a YouTuber they follow.

So if you're thinking of a way to spice up your lifestyle channel, take your viewers behind the curtain of how you produce your content.

Among other things, your BTS video could demonstrate how you create your videos from beginning to end. This includes the filming, editing, and video uploading processes.

For example, you could walk your viewers through setting up your tripod and selecting the appropriate camera settings to shoot in.

Behind-the-scenes videos are especially appealing and beneficial to those looking to launch their channel.

6. Celebrations

In case you didn't know, celebrations make for great lifestyle content on YouTube. The reason is that viewers enjoy feeling like they are a part of your journey.

You could celebrate anything, from receiving a package you ordered to birthday celebrations and getting accepted into your dream college.

Another great idea is to commemorate the anniversary of your first video or when you reach 10,000 subscribers.

All in all, appreciating your current subscribers is a great way to attract even more in the long run.

7. Giveaways and Contests

Hosting giveaways and contests on YouTube is a quick and creative way to drive traffic to your channel and grow your subscriber base.

Whether you’re just starting or are already an established YouTuber, you can always use giveaways and contests to your advantage on YouTube.

However, before running a YouTube giveaway, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are my goals?
  • What giveaway prizes will excite my audience?
  • What is my giveaway type? User-generated videos, collaborations, or polls and surveys?
  • Do your contest rules comply with YouTube’s contest policies and guidelines?

Once you have successfully answered these questions, you can start running your giveaway.

8. Vlogs

Vlogs are the most common lifestyle video content you'll come across on YouTube.

And why not? Even though they can be a bit lengthy, they are equally fun and engaging when done the right way.

To get the most out of your vlogs, planning ahead is important. For example, if you're going on a lunch date, decide which parts of the experience you want your viewers to be a part of. This allows you to create better and more intentional videos.

The best part about shooting vlogs is that they cover almost any content, from "a day in my life" videos to workout routines, unboxings, or even trying a new cooking recipe.

Most importantly, let your video tell a compelling story rather than simply being a collection of random clips shoved together.

9. Reviews

When shooting review content, you must be 100 percent real with your audience.

You can review anything from movies, music, products, and meals and even go ahead to capture your reaction.

So let's say you decide to review your favorite TV show. Include juicy details like your favorite part of the show, your least favorite part, the performances of the actors, and the overall plot.

However, keep an eye out for copyright claims or strikes when reviewing things like TV shows, movies, and music. Though your video may be excused under "fair use," this is not always guaranteed.

To avoid infringing on the rights of a copyright holder, stay away from copyrighted materials. Or better still, get permission before using copyrighted music.

10. DIYs

Do-it-yourself videos are enjoyable and helpful, especially when they solve a common or everyday problem. The best part is that everyone can relate to it.

The most common types of DIY videos today are arts and crafts. This isn't to say you should limit yourself to art and craft DIY projects.

You can create DIY videos on nail art, makeup, hairstyles, upscaling outfits, and jewelry.

Whatever you decide to base your DIY videos on, ensure they're as explanatory as possible, with easy-to-follow steps.

11. Shopping Hauls

Making shopping haul videos is the perfect opportunity to show off your latest purchase. That's right, create content based on your most recent shopping spree.

In this case, you're not just showing off your purchases. Rather, you'll go into detail about the price, where you got them, your initial thoughts, and your overall shopping experience.

Though the most popular haul videos on YouTube are clothing hauls, you can make haul videos on almost anything. Examples include:

  • Skincare and beauty products
  • Accessories
  • Arts and crafts supplies
  • Room decor items
  • Groceries

Remember to make your shopping haul video as fun and detailed as possible when you shoot it.

Who knows?

Your videos could be a source of inspiration for viewers who are looking to try new things or update their wardrobes.

12. Personal Growth and Development

Many people struggle in the area of personal growth and development. If you’re passionate about self-improvement, you can create content related to this.

Viewers would appreciate you sharing tips and advice on how they can constantly improve themselves. You can recommend podcasts, journaling, uplifting music to listen to, and daily affirmations.

Through your videos, viewers get to form a deeper bond with you and make more informed decisions about their lives in general.

Tips For Coming Up With The Best Lifestyle YouTube Video Ideas

If you look closely, you’ll realize that video ideas are all around you.

Everything from the abandoned top in your wardrobe to the upcoming birthday dinner you got invited to can serve as content.

Below are some actionable tips for coming up with lifestyle content ideas for your YouTube videos.

The easiest way to create content is to keep an eye out for trends in your niche.

You can do this by checking out competitors in your niche for ideas. While doing this, don't forget to check the comments on your competitors' videos for subject matter inspiration.

Collab with others

Working with others lets you introduce a new or familiar face to your audience. This, in turn, helps you develop fresh concepts and give your channel new views.

It helps if the guest creator is in your niche or covers something similar. Once you identify who you want to collaborate with, you can reach out to them through email.

In the email, you pitch the idea of collaboration and how they can benefit from it.

Pay attention to your audience

Because you create content for your audience, not just yourself, paying attention to their needs is necessary.

Before you make any video, ask yourself if it speaks to the interests and queries of your audience. Also, to better understand your audience, make it a duty to go through the comments under your videos.

Even though this might be a hassle, the YouTube comment section serves as a platform for viewers to express themselves and their thoughts about your video.

From their observations, suggestions, and questions, you can generate engaging and beneficial content that viewers will appreciate.

Fuel your creativity

Sometimes you only need a break to create interesting content for your YouTube videos.

When you feel overwhelmed or stuck in a loop of creating the same content, take a break from YouTube and do the things that fuel your creativity. Whether reading a book, binge-watching your favorite series, or going out with friends, do something you enjoy.

The best ideas strike you when you least expect them.

How to Make Your Lifestyle YouTube Videos Stand Out

The following are some pointers for producing high-quality lifestyle videos on YouTube that stand out.

  • Invest in good equipment. This includes your microphone, camera, and lighting equipment.
  • Use captivating and engaging visuals that grab attention. This includes your thumbnails, images, and slides.
  • Edit your videos properly to give them a clean and professional finish. You can achieve this with the help of video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, iMovie, and Final Cut Pro.
  • Develop your storytelling skills to capture viewers' attention and keep it until the end of your video.
  • Keep your videos simple and relatable.

Wrapping Things Up

Lifestyle videos are a pleasure to watch, and it's no surprise that they're among the most popular on YouTube.

You too can create engaging content that will generate a lot of engagement with the lifestyle YouTube content mentioned above.

And whenever you feel stuck, you can revisit this article to check out tips for creating great lifestyle content.

I can't wait to see the magic you create!


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