
How Much Does a YouTuber with 50,000 Subscribers Make

Vukasin Ilic 4 min read
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As a YouTube content creator, having 50,000 subscribers might seem like a substantial accomplishment.

Indeed, it's a significant milestone, but the question remains: how much does a YouTuber with 50,000 subscribers make?

To answer this, we need to explore various revenue sources available to YouTubers and consider the factors that affect their bottom line.

How Do YouTubers With Lower Following (<50k Subscribers) Make Money?

It's essential to understand that every YouTuber's journey is unique, and earnings vary greatly among creators. Therefore, estimating earnings for a 50,000 subscribers channel isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. Many factors, from the number of views and audience engagement to the type of content produced, impact a creator's income.

YouTube provides numerous ways for creators to monetize their content, such as ad revenue, brand sponsorship, and affiliate marketing. The more subscribers a YouTuber has, the higher and vaster the money-making opportunities are.

But for the majority of YouTubers, the monetization options are more or less the same, and most YouTubers tend to rely on YouTube ads as the primary source of income from video creation.  

However, the earnings from YouTube ads have an extremely wide range, depending on the niche.

It's also true that not all views will generate income, as factors like audience location and content category also play a part in determining earnings.

Additionally, other revenue sources like affiliate marketing and sponsored content add to a creator's overall revenue, significantly complicating the effort to estimate how much an average YouTuber with 50k subscribers can make.

Before we dive into estimations, let's look over the revenue sources for YouTubers with this number of subscribers to try and better understand the revenue potential.

Revenue Sources for Youtubers with 50,000 Subscribers

As a YouTuber with 50,000+ subscribers, I have discovered multiple revenue sources that can significantly contribute to my earnings. In this section, I'll briefly discuss the primary income streams, and how do they work.

Ad Revenue

My main source of income as a YouTuber comes from ads that YouTube displays on my videos. As a member of the YouTube Partner Program, I can monetize my videos, allowing advertisers to place ads on them.

The amount I earn depends on various factors, such as the type of ad, the number of views, and the audience's engagement. On average, YouTubers can earn between $1.61 and $29.30 per 1,000 views through ads, which is an incredibly large range (more on what affects it later in the post).


Another significant income stream for me as a YouTuber is sponsorships. Brands and businesses recognize the value of an engaged audience and are willing to pay me to promote their products or services in my videos.

The amount I earn from sponsorships can vary greatly depending on the size of my channel, the niche, and the terms of the partnership. I can make anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars per sponsored video.

Affiliate Marketing

I also use affiliate marketing to make money on my YouTube channel. This involves promoting products or services from other companies in my videos and receiving a commission for any sales generated through my unique referral link.

This strategy works well for me as it allows me to share products I genuinely believe in while also earning a portion of the sales revenue.


Lastly, I profit from selling my own merchandise, such as t-shirts, hats, and other items, branded with my channel's logo or catchphrases.

This revenue stream can be incredibly lucrative, especially as my subscriber base continues to grow.

I can sell my merchandise directly to my viewers through platforms like Shopify or Teespring, creating a unique bond with my audience while also making a profit.

Factors Affecting Income for YouTubers

Channel Niche and Content

In my experience, the niche and content of a YouTube channel play a significant role in determining a YouTuber's income.

Some niches, such as finance, tech, or beauty, tend to have higher advertising rates due to their targeted audience and the perceived value of their content.

Geographic Location of Audience

Another factor that affects YouTube income is the geographic location of the YouTuber's audience.

Advertisers are often willing to pay more for ad placements in countries with higher purchasing power.

For instance, placing ads for viewers in the United States, Canada, or Western Europe usually generates higher revenue than placing ads for audience members in countries with lower purchasing power.

Engagement Metrics

A significant aspect of YouTube's algorithm is engagement metrics.

My income as a YouTuber depends on how well my videos perform in terms of views, likes, comments, and shares on social media.

Better engagement usually results in more video views, leading to increased potential earnings through the YouTube Partner Program and Google Adsense.

To boost my income, I aim to create and publish content that resonates with my audience and encourages interaction.

Higher engagement not only benefits me financially, but it also signals to YouTube's algorithm that my content is valuable, which can lead to more exposure and growth for my channel.

Estimating Earnings for a 50,000 Subscribers Channel

CPM and RPM Calculations

When looking at a YouTube channel with 50,000 subscribers, it's important to calculate the potential earnings through CPM (Cost per Mille) and RPM (Revenue per Mille).

CPM represents the revenue generated from 1,000 advertisement impressions, while RPM takes into account not only ad impressions but also other income sources like sponsorships and affiliate earnings.

For calculating CPM, we need to consider various factors like the audience's location, type of content, and the demand for ads on a specific genre.

Putting It All Together

Now, let's consider the 50,000 subscribers and the estimated video views to understand the potential earnings better.

Suppose a YouTuber uploads content that receives an average of 20,000 views per day, resulting in 600,000 views per month and 7,300,000 views per year.

Using a YouTube money calculator and considering an engagement rate of around 3%, we get the following results:

  • Estimated Daily Earnings: $28.50 - $47.50
  • Estimated Monthly Earnings: $855 - $1,425

These numbers are calculated based on ad revenue alone. However, a content creator could also have multiple income streams, like sponsorships, product sales, and affiliate marketing, all of which could contribute to their overall earnings.

As we can see, a YouTube channel with 50,000 subscribers can generate a decent income, but it depends on various factors such as CPM, RPM, audience engagement, content type, and the overall performance of the channel in terms of video views and monetization options available to the YouTuber.


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