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YouTube Backdrops - 15 Proven YouTube Background Ideas

Vukasin Ilic 6 min read
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The best YouTubers aren’t just the ones with the best content.

To be known as a great creator, you need to focus on small details of your videos too. Some are more obvious, like video and audio quality, and some are less, like your backdrop.

If you haven’t thought about what the background of your YouTube videos should be, this guide is going to help you out.

You’re going to read about why backdrops matter, how you can create them, and which background ideas work best.

You’ll see plenty of examples and get a feeling for which will work best for you and your channel.

So keep reading and get inspired!

Why YouTube Backdrops Matter

When you’re trying to create a successful YouTube channel, the little things will matter.

Viewers who open your video want to see visuals that are pleasing to the eye and a level of professionalism from the presenter.

Even though your background is secondary to the subject of the video, it still makes a difference to viewers. With a good backdrop, you can create a style and raise brand-awareness.

If the thumbnail for your video includes a shot of your background, you’ll already be creating something that viewers will recognize.

Here’s an example from popular music reviewer The Needle Drop. Regular viewers will recognize the setup behind the presenter.

The album that is being reviewed appears on the left side of the background and his record collection is on the right.

How To Create YouTube Backgrounds

There are several places and ways to set up your background.

You’ll find more detailed ideas later on, but these are the basics from which you can build your backdrop.

  • Wall background: set yourself up in front of a wall. You can keep it simple or add decorations like pictures, posters, frames, and more.
  • Hanging backdrop: hang lights or curtains from above to cover whatever’s behind you.
  • Retractable backdrop (roll-up): invest in a retractable backdrop of paper or fabric that you can roll up and move whenever you need to.
  • Digital background: edit out the physical background in post-production and replace it with a digital one. You can get really creative and put yourself in space or beneath the sea if it works with your theme.

15 Proven YouTube Background Ideas

Now that you know of some ways and places to set up your background, here are 15 ideas that work well for lots of YouTube creators.

Remember that your background should relate to your style and content theme in some way so viewers have a feeling of what you’re going to show them.

Solid Color

The most basic background is one with a solid color.

It’s so easy to do. If the wall in your studio is one color, then you might already be ready.

If you want a different color than what you have on your wall, you can paint it, get a retractable backdrop in the color you want, hang some curtains, or go for a digital backdrop with a solid color.

Make sure you choose a color that suits your style and vibe.

If your backdrop is very bright, you might blend in too much. You’ll need to create more separation. And if the color is very intense, it might draw viewers’ attention away from what you’re talking about.


A fabric backdrop can work in many situations.

You can get a roll-up or hang curtains of one or more colors.

The great thing about curtains is that they can be smoothed out or hung loosely so you get a ripple effect with colors and shadows.

This can make your background more interesting than a solid color but not too engaging that the viewer loses their focus on you.

Fairy Lights

Fairy lights are great for more intimate videos.

They can give you a feeling of youthfulness or even romance. Creators who specialize in make-up tutorials, reviews, and even educational videos for kids can benefit from simple lights in their background.

You can hang them from above so they dangle in loose patterns. They work best if you have a solid color behind them, so they stick out more.

However, don’t have lights that are too bright as they can create a harsh effect on the lens and you will be less visible in the foreground.


If you’re a creator who loves sharing knowledge or talking about art, you can use a bookshelf as your background.

Books come in so many sizes and colors that they can create a fun backdrop while also showing off intelligence. Just keep in mind what titles you have, especially depending on your niche and demographic.


You can make a collage out of so many things, especially images. Find your favorite pictures, posters, and quotes and stick them onto your wall.

This backdrop will show off your personality before you even start talking.

It’s best to have a theme or color palette so the collage isn’t too stark. You should always be the most important and engaging thing on screen.

Closet Display

This backdrop won’t work for everyone, but is perfect for fashion vloggers. If you have a large closet with great lighting, showing off your wardrobe is a great idea.

Viewers will understand right away that you’re into fashion and will be more interested in listening to what you have to say.

This display is easily adjustable as you just need to move hangers from one section to another. Every video can have a fresh look.


Glitter is always associated with glamor. Having a backdrop made of glittery sequins can make your channel recognizable to viewers.

It might not be for everyone but can work well for fashion vloggers and make-up artists.

Some glitter fabrics are see-through between sequins, so you might need an extra solid color from a wall or curtain behind the glittery one.


Having some plants can brighten up your background and give it a vivid look.

You can have potted plants on the ground, on shelves, or even hanging from the ceiling to give your videos a breath of fresh air.

Taking care of so many plants isn’t always easy though. You can also take a look into artificial ones to create a plant wall.

Try different textures with various plants or add some nice lighting like a neon sign of your logo.


Take the plant backdrop a step further by setting up outside.

This won’t work for everyone, but gardeners and travel vloggers will seem more authentic with a natural backdrop.

Adventurers can use anywhere as a background, from the blue sky to golden beaches to a lush forest.

With the right lighting and video content, your viewers can feel like they’re right there with you.

Home Decor

If you have great interior decorating skills and are proud of it, use your home decor as a backdrop.

You might have the perfect background in your home that you don’t need to change.

Just pick the best angle and lighting and make sure your best decorations and features are in the shot. Perfect for reviewers and lifestyle coaches.

Record Wall

If you love reviewing or just talking about music and you have a large record collection, why not set up some of your favorites on a wall behind you.

You can include the album or artist you’re talking about on the wall before recording each video.

It will look amazing and will show your viewers that you know what you’re talking about.


If you’re the type of YouTuber who loves decorating or can’t settle on one background, why not choose lots of different ones?

Change your backdrop from season to season and from holiday to holiday. For Spring, set up your favorite plants in the shot.

For Summer, add pictures of beaches and the sunshine. For Autumn, include browning leaves and pumpkins.

And for Winter, decorate your studio with artificial snow and Christmas decorations.

You’ll have fun and your audience will be interested to know what’s coming next.


This is more specific for those of you who enjoy sharing their love of carpentry and metalwork, or even photography and music production.

Set up your video gear in your workshop or studio and choose the best background in the space.

Add tools, instruments, gear, sculptures, and more. Anything that you use or have worked on in the past.

When you create something new you can add it to the background so returning viewers will recognize it from a previous video.


The best cooking vloggers record in their kitchens because they can show where the magic happens.

So, if you love cooking and sharing recipes, pick the best angle to capture your kitchen and start creating.

Your viewers will feel like they’re with you making a feast. Don’t forget to tidy up though.


Whiteboards are great for making notes and explaining subjects with words and drawings.

If you’re making educational videos, get a whiteboard and use it as your backdrop. It can be used for so many themes and is easy to light.

Just make sure you wear clothing that will contrast with it, keeping you in the foreground.

Bottom Line

Using a great backdrop can bring your videos to the next level. They can add authenticity to your channel and boost brand-recognition.

And some are so simple to do that you don’t even need to invest much time, effort, or money to set up.

This guide has 15 of the best backgrounds that countless YouTubers use. You can take inspiration from them and choose one that’s perfect for you. You can even modify it to your vibe, so you feel comfortable where you’re recording.

What kind of background works best for you? Share your experiences in the comments section below.


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